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On this page you can get information about my education. Diplomas and certificates. I provide scans of documents in English. Scans of documents in other languages are not presented.

Higher education


I received my basic education at the South-Russian State Technical University (Novocherkassk Polotechnical Institute) from 2000 to 2006.

I was a student at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, my specialty is "Microelectronics and Solid-State Electronics".

The choice of a specialty was conditioned by children's predilections for exact sciences, in particular, for physics. Applied physics for me is primarily electronics. However, during my studies, I had scientific interests in the field of mathematical modeling, especially in the application of modeling to quantum physics and solid state physics.

I had the final qualification work in the field of quantum physics. My supervisor was a student of Dr. Livshchits, a follower of the Nobel laureate Landau. The topic of my qualification work is "The energy spectrum and quantum states in a three-holes heterostructure according to the Livshchits model".

Obtained from the results of training qualification: an engineer in microelectronics. The GPA is 5.0 / 5.0. The qualification of an engineer is a specialist, i.e., an intermediate position between the bachelor and master. This qualification was distributed in Russia before the transition to the Bologna Process.

During my studies, I was a leader(headmen) in a student group, and on senior courses I combined my studies with work in the educational and methodological management of the university. I have always tried to keep up with everything, so I applied time management and had time to study and work. I received scholarships and grants: scientific council, rector, governor of the region, as well as a very valuable scholarship of Vladimir Potanin.

Computer Science

I received my master's degree already having a practical experience in software development. For master's education, I chose one of the leading non state institute in Russia - the Moscow Technological Institute.

I entered the magistracy in 2015 and finished in 2017. My research area of computer science, specialization: "Software Development Technologies". Research interests during the master's program: development of application software and modeling of complex technological systems. The subject of master's thesis: "Development of a mathematical model of a diesel engine for locomotive CHME3 for automatization the testing processes of TCMS(Train Control and Managment System)".

The GPA is 5.0 / 5.0. For the master's degree there is a European supplement, which is presented on the my site.

MTI diplomaMTI diplomaMTI diplomaMTI diploma


I am constantly learning and improving my professional level. I am doing this work in two directions:

I completed many courses on the Coursera: C++ language, Java language, Big data technology and other. The most important courses I have passed: C++ programming language, White and Yellow belts from Yandex company. Details about the courses and certificates received can be found here.

I have a constantly updated list of professional literature, mainly on the programming language C++, Java, Go. The list of the most important professional literature I have studied is given here.

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© Konstantin Levadny, 2018